Monday, 22 September 2014



There are two types of snob in this human world, the monetary and the intellectual, both look down on those

who are neither.



“I pay my char the lowest rate”

bragged the British snob

to the wealthy Yank

“So do we” said the snob

from the U S of A

“But in olden days

they called them slaves”

“My one is as thick

as a household brick

sniggered the posh

snobby British Bitch

“ You make me laugh”

said the Yank from the

upper middle class

“For a dollar more

it will kiss my arse”

This type of snob

made their stack

just by laying

on their backs

But the ones to detest

most of all

are the cretins who

take us all for fools

They talk down to us

And pat our heads

Looking at you

As though you’re dead

Sneering at your

Your mother tongue

They are the worst

Of the Snobby ones


Peter Wicks(Downton Abby, bollocks)


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