Wednesday 4 January 2012

Thatcher the Evil One

Thatcher the Evil one (Her  life  and Times)

First there was Thatcher
Or the “Maggot” for some
Then “The Willy Whitelaw”
A fat Conservative Bum...

Geoffrey Howe a soft spoken one
Who stabbed the “Maggot” when
Her time had to come.....

Nigel Lawson who in nineteen 83
Stole all our money from you and me
He stole the” family silver” for his
Tory chums and feathered the nest
For his City chums.....

Ding Dong Bell, the Marylebone twit
Hailshame who made up the laws
For these despicable twits.....

Plus a host of others in this terrible crew
Who lorded it over me and you........
Soams and Pym and John Biffen to
Were all part of the Thatcher
Wrecking crew....

Wakeham and MacGregor, Atkins and Young
All three were called Thatcher’s chums.....
Hurd and Brittan with his friend called Nott
Along with King of the “Nasty Lot”....

The mad monk called  Joseph or the demented
Jew, all held sway over me and you, along with
Baker and Kenneth Clark were buddies of Tebbit
The Prince of the Dark.......

Fowler was born in 38 to a life of luxuries he would
Never forsake, another leach of the Thatcher years
Created a Baron at the end of his career.........

Mick Howard a Jewish immigrant’s son who became
 Tory from his Welsh homeland, forgot his roots and
The tough working class and bent over backwards
To kiss the “Maggots” arse..........Barron Mick of
Lympe in the county of Kent, a turn coat of Wales
The Welsh shan’t forget....

Then there was Walker and Cecil Parkinson to
Who had the hot’s for Thatcher for a year or two
Heseltine was greedy for power and fame
But resigned from  her government over the
Westland Helicopter fame......

Jenkins and Patten, both upper class toff’s
Who milked the system with upper crust gobs
Patten was governor of a far eastern state
That made him Barron of a county estate...

This list is not end of  the damned
And the dead, who served under Thatcher
“The Maggot” to some and still can be seen
As Cameron’s old chums
Who lick his Eton arse
And wipe his filthy bum
For one more taste of power
From Tory cesspit chums.....

Peter Wicks

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